The Woes of Photoshop Slop

Most of us are familiar with Photoshop Disasters, but Yahoo's OMG and Boing Boing also feature commentary and images of Photoshop Slop. The latest mishap is the photo of Demi Moore on the cover of W featuring a missing slab of her left hip! And earlier this year, Boing Boing also dissed Calvin Klein's creepy image of Fillipa Hamilton. I am waiting for an entire ad campaign to break using overly Photoshopped images as a parody. MARGARET SMOLEN / JOE SILVERMAN :: CONTRIBUTORS.

Double Take

"35 Smart Logos To Make You look Twice"
by Dainis Graveris features logos that incorporate some of the best visual communication qualities - visual metaphor, figure/ground and more. MONICA MILLER :: CONTRIBUTOR.

Nerd Merit Badges

From one of the collaborators on Meatcards, John Young offers Nerd Merit Badges. Show off your geek street cred by collecting all of these on a nifty sash for your laptop.