Timbre A-Z

Watch the short animation series of Japanese artist Mirai Mizue on Vimeo. The artist plans to upload one new animation every day for 26 days. As of today he's on Timbre L, and they're quite captivating.

Making Healthy Food Options Appealing

The article "What Should Food Look Like?" by Alexandra Lange, explores the role package design can play in persuading the public to make healthier choices.


We are very rarely without our cell phones, which usually means we're very rarely without the ability to digitally capture any random moment at any time. Josh Higgins, graphic designer and silkscreen artist, organized a phone-based photography exhibit to display the phone-photos of some well-known creative individuals. The article "Phonography: Phone-Based Photography Exhibition Features Renowned Creatives" gives a sneak peak of some of the images in the exhibit.

Do You "Drink the Kool-aid"?

Whether you're driving down the highway, flipping through a magazine, or vegging out in front of the TV, you will be faced with someone trying to sell you something. Often, they do a fantastic job of convincing you to use their product. Take the wedding day Men's Wearhouse commerical for example. They targeted the innate desire we have be attractive and appealing to our partners, and presented it with a pleasant twist at the end, making the ad, and therefore the company, appealing. But sometimes advertisers are so obvious in their strategy that they don't quite hit the mark. "Things Real People Say About Advertising" takes a sarcastic look at some of the tactics advertisers use to encourage you to "drink the kool-aid".