Cadavre Exquis

Tim Burton is depending on you to create Stainboy's latest adventure, which began "Stainboy, using his obvious expertise, was called in to investigate mysterious glowing goo on the gallery floor...". Read the story thus far, then tweet your contribution using #BurtonStory.

Poster Genius

"A poster series curated by Edit — each designer was asked to represent a musical genre using one shape and one type (stating the genre)."

Wear a Book

Out of Print is helping book lovers everywhere celebrate the world's greatest books by wearing them...their cover design that is, on a t-shirt or sweatshirt that's specially treated to feel soft and worn like a well-read book. With 30 great designs to choose from, and an opportunity to donate a book to a community in need, why not wear a book?

How Low Can Your Logo?

"We are testing your capacity to willingly create that which you spend your entire life trying not to create: the worst logo ever. Participants have the chance to conjure up design demons from the darkest nether regions of their inner world and be purged of them forever. The process looms with graphic doom and will undoubtedly leave the best among us contorted in pain. But may the lowest of the low-brow win! The logo lancelot with the worst design will surely bask in the glory of industry infamy for generations to come."

Visit for the design brief and a list of prizes.

Bigger is Better

Share your iPhone on a larger scale with tableconnect...when it gets here. A prototype is available for viewing, and its pretty nifty

Twitter for the Creative

Artylizer is Social Media that lets you enjoy and share your favorite art, ideas and creations.

You can:

- post short text messages (up to 333 characters),
- attach/embed images
- add links to your messages (youtube and vimeo links are auto-embed)
- point location on map
- subscribe to other users' feeds and send them messages
- perform creative design & art for sale

The perks:

Each month, users with the most subscribers will get a special promotional package of their artylizer profile page on Facebook, and receive gifts from artylizer sponsors.

Communication Shutdown

Do you suffer from social media mania? Do you constantly tweet, or update your Facebook status? Can you manage to do without it for just one day? Today would be a great day to give it a try and simultaneously raise funds and awareness for Autism worldwide. Communication Shutdown 2010 will provide a CHAPP (charity app) for a minimum donation of $5 that advices your Twitter followers and Facebook friends of your decision to remain 'silent' for this one day in support of the autism cause.